Summer Makeup

Summer ... So the hottest time came so waited, but, waiting, desperately, we are looking for a way to hide from the soaring heat. Main easily facilitating your wardrobe, we are looking for any other ways to ease your life, but while remaining beautiful and damn attractive. We twist the hair into high hairstyles or face under the boys, with short strands of hair sticking in all directions. As for makeup, we reduce the number or refuse it at all.

In fact, with regard to makeup, it is not always worth resorting to emergency measures. It is enough just to choose the right cosmetics, and also skillfully use it.

So, the rules of summer makeup.

1. In order for make-up in the heat, it is just perfect, did not swim and do not grow up under the rays of the scorching sun, it is necessary to properly prepare the skin. And, it is 50% of your success, and therefore should not be completely neglected by this rule. What does it mean? Every day in the morning before applying makeup, wipe the clean skin gently, a soft cleansing agent according to the skin type. And, in order for the bruises and swelling under the eyes are less noticeable, wash the slices of ice from healing herbs. You can use daisy flowers, calendulas, turns, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

2. Moisturize the skin. Do not forget to use a nutrient cream daily, which is easily absorbed and does not leave the skin of an unpleasant oil trail.

3. The tone base should be easy to texture, while have a factor in protection against sunlight not lower than 15.

4. Eye consigner. If the swelling under the eyes is still noticeable, it will cope with this problem, it will help this magic agent that we often neglect. The consillion has a rather thin structure, which will allow you to hide hated dark circles without a trace. Select a consilet is necessary for one tone lighter than your natural skin.

5. The crumbly powder is not suitable for the summer season. It is thanks to this cosmetic product that your skin literally shines. In addition, the crumbly powder greatly equalizes the complexion. It is necessary to apply it a soft large brush. It is convenient for the crumbly powder also because its surplus is also easy to remove with a brush or soft carpet without prejudice to makeup.

6. Mascara choose waterproof. With her, you will definitely be sure that it will not flow anything from the heat and does not appear.

7. Shadow must be based on the basis. Otherwise, they can roll or just crumble, why makeup will look very inaccier.

8. Light transparent lip gloss will be an excellent guise of summer makeup. orbex space