Paul child on ultrasound: When can I find out and how exactly?

Upon learning of pregnancy, the future mammy, of course, thinks who lives in the tummy - a son or daughter. Many are interested in: on what time of pregnancy you can learn half a child and can be mistaken with the definition of the floor on the ultrasound.

How to find out the floor of the child?

Today, there are many techniques that will help learn the gender of the baby: the definition of the floor by blood, by the date of conception, on the regularity of its menstrual cycle, etc. However, with the greatest share of the likelihood, determine the fetal belonging to the male or female sex may be using a ultrasound study.

True, the specialist first of all should pay attention to how pregnancy proceeds, as the embryo develops, and whether the signs of the appearance of any vices are not observed.

The definition of the floor on the ultrasound is not always possible, since the baby in the womb does not lie motionless, moreover, other factors affect the visibility of genital organs.

On what time can I define the sex of the child on ultrasound

An obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy of a woman is assigned the first planned ultrasound at the end of 1 trimester in terms of 10 to 14 weeks. Although for this term, the sexual organs in children are already formed, it is impossible to determine the gender personality.

With a high probability of finding out who is born, you can since the 15th week, the signs of sex can already be determined by ultrasound.

When it really is important to know the gender

As already mentioned, the purpose of the ultrasound, the specialists primarily consider the definition of the state of the placenta, the mass of the embryo, the condition and number of accumulating waters, as well as the presence and correct development of limbs and internal organs of the body. But there are cases when the definition of the fetus according to ultrasound becomes not a whim of a future mother, but a medical need, since the number of diseases, the development and presence of which depends on the gender of the baby, has more than three hundred. These cases include:

- verification for the presence of hereditary diseases in the X chromosome. Humophilia can be attributed to such diseases. It is sick only by representatives of the male, and the disease is manifested in blood incompleteness.

- hydrocephalus (some of its shapes).

- Forms of mental retardation, due to changes in the X-chromosome.

- Deafness.

- A rare subspecies of diabetes mellitus - nephrogenous unacceptable diabetes.

Thus, on time, the study in order to determine the sex of the fetus will help determine the likelihood of hereditary diseases in the kid. orbex space rocket