Easy Divorce in Georgia

Nowadays it's easy to get divorced more than ever

There is only one person in the world who can give you permission to divorce your spouse: yourself. Until you get that permission, nothing changes. After you get it, everything does. Divorce tends to be like a game of "rock/paper/scissors," where each individual person has control over which outcome happens in his or your case, yet separate people cancel out their choices for overall predictability. That's why  

 The best thing about being married is that when it no longer works out, you can get a divorce and the state will force your ex-spouse to pay you lots of money so you can live comfortably.  

 Easy divorce laws may sound like a good idea. The theory is that if divorces are easy to get, the number of divorces will be fewer, because people who know they won't get much of a windfall from divorce won't bother making the attempt. The analogy to crime is obvious: if penalties for crimes are heavy and the chances of being caught are small, criminals can make a good living as thieves, kidnappers and murderers. But when penalties are high and the likelihood of capture is  

 Thanks to nofault divorce laws, an easy way for couples in a relationship where each spouse wants out is to find grounds for an open marriage. Then each person can go off and do as they please. That works wonders in guaranteeing the oneness of purpose needed to get anything done these days.  

 Nowadays it's easy to get divorced more than ever.  

 Divorce laws that make it easy to start over with a clean slate, are better for everyone. Not just for the couple, but also better for their children and siblings. Much better than waiting years for lawyers to divvy up the family assets. Even if both parties want to work together to build a family business, it should be possible to walk away and build a whole new business alone.  

 When I was a teenager, marriage was an easy thing to get into and very difficult thing to get out of. Getting married meant promising 'till death do us part.' It was essentially a bet that you wouldn't want a divorce. There were few social pressures to stay married once married and yet ample social avenues for getting divorced.  

Easy divorce is a good thing

The divorce rate in Western countries is about 50%, which surprised me at first. But looking into the matter I found that it makes perfect sense and that I was thinking about divorce in too legalistic a manner.  

 Divorce is a legal proceeding.  

 Easy divorce is a good thing. Easy divorce lowers the cost of marital breakup, by making it easier for unsatisfied people to leave unhappy marriages.  

 Figuring out the best grounds for a quick divorce is easy. You just make yourself unhappy in your marriage.  

 The problems caused by easy divorce are not limited to the relationship between husband and wife. Divorce can cause family members to become enemies and children to suffer. Most young people these days have little knowledge of courtship, how to fall in love, and how to get married.   They attend college for four years, hanging out with friends along the way. Then they graduate into a job market which can be bad. Or they have a chance to meet someone at college who is better than expected,   

You may decide that you want a divorce, but it's extremely difficult to traverse the terrain of dividing assets or creating a fair custody schedule for your kids.  

 The ideal request to a judge is not for justice. It is for mercy. That is what justice means. If we could get divorces all over the country tomorrow that were clean - or at least clean where the children are involved - no-fault, equal division of property, and so on, it would be a great benefit not only to the individuals involved but to society as a whole.  

 Divorce is very bitter. One person suffers twice: first from the trauma of the breakup, and later from the onslaught of emotions stirred up by the fight over money. The other person only suffers once. Both people must deal with emotional stress stemming from dividing their belongings, children, and pets. Both also must endure the ugly process of fighting over money in order to reach a fair settlement.  

What makes divorce so easy

Divorce and annulments are more common now than they used to be. No-fault divorce makes it possible to get divorced without having to assign blame or make the other party pay expensive attorney's fees.  

Chronicle of a divorce foretold. A spirited defense of breakup.  

 Easy divorce makes it more difficult to choose your wife carefully, because it allows you to take her for granted. It takes the element of risk out of marriage. If you know that your wife will leave you if things don't work out, then you have no reason to try harder. You don't have much stake in making the relationship succeed. And since she can take her belongings with her, no matter how much she loves you she has little incentive to sacrifice herself for you, and little reason to  

 Wherever you stand on the issue, there's no denying that easy divorce has had some big effects on society. Has divorce been an overall good or bad for our culture?  

 Yes, we should get rid of the term 'uncontested divorce' and stop referring to these cases as a 'fast track,' 'quickie,' or a way to get a divorce that is 'easy.'  

 It takes a long time to get married. A few years to meet someone, a few more to date, possibly some cohabitation, and a year or two for the marriage ceremony. So why is Georgia online divorce so easy? You just need to fill out some papers in person at court, a process that takes only a few minutes.  

What makes it so easy is, in a word, money. When you divorce with lawyers, you're basically asking a judge to declare you and your spouse incompatible and then to force one of you out of the marriage. The person left behind needs financial resources in order to survive on their own. So couples are more careful about keeping their finances separate during the period of their marriage.  

 One of the things I hate most about Los Angeles is the ease with which some couples get divorced. It's hard for me to imagine something more damaging to a child than seeing a soon-to-be ex-parent, at the child's baseball game, on good terms with his or her former spouse. The child feels like a ping pong ball, as if the divorce meant nothing and they are hearing that they mean nothing.  

 Divorce rates are often higher in cultures in which the law allows both parties to pursue their self-interest.   Why should this be so? Imagine two people, (we'll call them Bob and Sue) married young and without knowing enough about what they were doing. After a few years, Bob becomes disillusioned with his work-a-day life: he feels trapped, like he's just going through the motions. It's hard for him to explain how he feels; there is no easy