How to Read NBA Betting Lines

NBA is a popular sport with many fans all over the world. For those who enjoy the thrill of sports betting, the NBA offers a great opportunity to make money with smart betting. However, before you can start making money betting on the NBA, you need to understand how to read the bet lines. 


How to Read NBA Betting Lines?

To read NBA betting lines, you need to understand the three types of lines:

1. Point Spread
Point spreads are expressed as a number with a plus or minus sign. 

A positive number means the underdog gets that number of points. For example, if the Golden State Warriors points spread is 7.5, the Warriors are underdogs and are given 7.5 points. If you bet on the Warriors and lose by less than 7.5 points, you win the bet. If your opponent loses by 7.5 points or more or wins the game, you lose your wager.

A negative number means more points have been deducted from the favorite team. For example, if the Lakers' points spread is -7.5, that means the Lakers are the favorites and 7.5 points will be deducted. Bet on the Lakers and win the bet if they win by more than 7.5 points. If they win or lose the game by less than 7.5 points, your bet is lost. 


2. Moneyline
Money lines are represented by numbers with a plus or minus sign.

A negative number in moneyline means the team is a favorite. For example, if the moneyline for Lakers is -150, it means the Lakers are the favorites and you need to bet $150 to win $100. 

A positive number means the team is underdog. For example, if the Warriors moneyline is 200, it means you need to bet $100 to win $200. 


3. Totals (Over/Under)
Totals is represented by numbers such as 220.5. This number represents the total number of points which the sportsbook expects scored in the game. You are betting that the actual total score that will be over or under this number.


Understanding the basics of NBA betting lines will help you to make more informed decisions when placing bets. Remember to consider the type of bet, whether in point spreads, moneyline or totals. It is also important to consider the team's current form, injuries, and other factors that may affect the game. With a little research and knowledge, you can increase your chances of winning smart bets and potential winnings. Start your nba betting with trusted online sportbook at now!