New Hampshire Introduces Bill to Ease Window Tinting Restrictions

DON’T DELAY!  Please contact the members of the House Transportation Committee to request their support for H.B. 224:

You may use the following points in your message:

  • H.B. 224 allows for window tinting on the windows to the right and left of the driver if it meets a minimum standard of thirty-five percent light transmittance.  
  • H.B. 224 eliminates the current strict statute prohibiting any tinting on the windows to the left and right of the driver other than for medical reasons.
  • H.B. 224 would bring the state in line with the accepted industry tinting standard of not less than 35% light transmittance on all windows other than the windshield.
  • H.B. 224 creates more options for automotive enthusiasts to customize their vehicles for both style and functionality.

Overview: SAN-supported legislation (H.B. 224) has been introduced in New Hampshire to allow the use of aftermarket tinting on the windows to the right and left of the driver. The bill allows tinting of not less than 35% light transmittance on these windows, bringing the state in line with the accepted industry tinting standard. Current law does not allow tinting other than for medical reasons on the windows to the left and right of the driver. The bill awaits consideration in the House Transportation Committee, which is scheduled for a hearing on Friday, February 5.