Kansas Reintroduces Pro-Hobby Bill to Ease Restrictions on Antique Vehicles

DON’T DELAY!  Please contact the members of the House Transportation Committee immediately to request support for H.B. 2165:

You may use the following points in your message:

  • H.B. 2165 removes the unnecessary restrictions currently required for vehicles eligible for registration as antique.
  • H.B. 2165 allows for the use of non-original materials and acknowledges the limited availability of factory replacement parts.
  • H.B. 2165 would bring Kansas in line with other states that allow antique vehicles to be defined by their age, regardless of the type or age of the equipment installed on the vehicle.
  • H.B. 2165 recognizes that the collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an important part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States.

Overview: SAN-supported legislation (H.B. 2165) has been introduced in Kansas to re-define vehicles eligible to be registered as antique vehicles. Currently, the Kansas Highway Patrol defines an antique vehicle as being “more than 35 years old and as close to the original as possible, without any significant alterations to the major component parts.” The bill would only require the vehicle to be more than 35 years old, regardless of the age of the component parts installed on the vehicle. It currently awaits consideration in the House Transportation Committee, which is scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday, February 3.