This Land Is Our Land
Off-roaders count on federally regulated public lands to enjoy their hobby pursuits. Thankfully, three pieces of congressional legislation have been introduced that will benefit recreational access on U.S. land if enacted into law. The following efforts are currently being supported by the SEMA Action Network (SAN):
National Monument Designations: The U.S. House of Representatives passed a SAN-supported bill to require a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) study for any National Monument designations over 5,000 acres. Currently, the President of the United States has the unilateral authority to declare a parcel of public land with “historic or scientific interest" to be a National Monument. Such a designation frequently leads to road closures for motorized recreation. The bill would place limits on that authority.
“National" OHV Recreation Area: A SAN-supported bill has been introduced in Congress to include the word “National" within the title “Johnson Valley Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area." The legislation follows last December’s success when Congress passed a law ending a six-year clash between the military and OHV users over access to thousands of acres of Southern California desert.
Endangered Species Act Reform: The U.S. House Natural Resources Committee approved four bills to reform aspects of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The bills have been sent to the House floor. The bills would require the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to release data used to make listings of threatened or endangered animals and plants, report how much money is spent on ESA-related lawsuits, and place a cap on plaintiff attorney reimbursement fees.
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Legislative Front Lines
View complete list of Legislative Action Alerts.
» Las Vegas Issues "COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY" Proclamation
» Rhode Island Bill to Allow Replica Year of Manufacture License Plates Signed Into Law
» Madera County, California Proclaims July 11, 2014 as "COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY"
SEMA SAN Strike Force

Joyce Heyn of Poway, California, has kept her sharp-looking '68 Chevy Camaro (pictured above) going strong for over 26 years with hands-on assistance from husband Lou and family friends. Finished in "Corvette Bronze," this classic muscle car was Joyce's "dream car" as a teenager but was forbidden from purchase by her father. Luckily for her, Lou shares her enthusiasm for vintage iron and helped make the project a reality.
For many automotive aficionados, the hobby provides fond memories of family bonding remembered forever. For some, such as Lou and Joyce Heyn, this bond is partially responsible for starting the family itself. With seemingly equal enthusiasm, the pair from Poway, California, have never strayed too far from their four-wheeled passion. "Joyce is my best car nut!" Lou touts. Despite demands caused by career pursuits and raising two children, her '68 Chevy Camaro has clearly received plenty of attention in its time. Just as the image above suggests, the family can commonly be found attending auto-related events and displaying the '68 at local cruise-ins. In fact, Joyce's birthday earlier this year was celebrated at a car show!
The Heyn's comradery and involvement extends beyond the family unit. For them, long-lasting relationships with fellow gearheads began in the garage and eventually led to car club participation. As Lou says, "We have had the luck to meet so many super people." Both serve roles within the San Diego Car Club Council, a group formed in 1985 "to support and promote automobile-related events, hobbyists and collectible vehicle organizations in the San Diego area." To further fuel the SEMA Action Network's (SAN) mission for fair legislative proposals, Lou posts relevant information to the Council's website as the Director of Legislation: http://carclubcouncilofsandiego.com/legislation. Efforts like this will ensure that exciting machines, such as the Heyn's Camaro, will be able to enjoy the road for years to come. Thank you for setting a positive example and looking out for our interests in the Golden State, Lou and Joyce!