Urgent Action Needed: Protect Your Driving Freedom!

California lawmakers passed a bill that would force new vehicles to notify drivers every time they exceed the speed limit by just 10 mph starting in 2030. This intrusive legislation threatens your driving experience and personal freedom.
California residents: Send a letter to Governor Gavin Newsom today to request he veto SB 961!
Legislative Alerts
VIDEO: SEMA's Karen Bailey-Chapman on 'Pickup Truck Talk' Discussing the Chevron Doctrine Ruling
SEMA Legal Action Against ICE Bans Drums Up Significant Media Coverage
Watch SEMA Leaders Testify to the EPA on the Need for Technology-Neutral Vehicle and Fleet Policies
Last month, SEMA and industry leaders testified at a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency hearing in opposition to the agency granting the state of California a waiver to implement its Advanced Clean Fleets regulation, which seeks to ban the sale of medium- and heavy-duty internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.