Oregon Introduces Bill to Implement Vehicle Scrappage Program

Oregon Introduces Bill to Implement Vehicle Scrappage Program

DON’T DELAY!  Please contact the Oregon Joint Committee on Transportation immediately to request opposition to H.B. 4060:

You may use the following points in your message:

  • H.B. 4060 ignores the fact that all scrappage programs hold the potential for enthusiasts to lose a valuable source of rare parts for vehicle restoration projects.  
  • H.B. 4060 is unfair to the low-income vehicle owners, many of whom depend on the low-cost transportation that older cars provide and on parts available from older cars in order to maintain their own vehicles.
  • H.B. 4060 ignores the fact that there is already a $2,500 to $7,500 tax credit provided by the federal government for the purchase of electric vehicles.
  • H.B. 4060 ignores the fact that scrappage programs are difficult to police and subject to fraud.
  • H.B. 4060 ignores studies that show that most cars scrapped are infrequently or never used second or third vehicles. 
  • H.B. 4060 ignores the fact that older cars are rarely driven, generally well-maintained and not a good or cost-effective source of emissions reductions.    
  • H.B. 4060 will do little to improve air quality which is directly connected to overall basic vehicle maintenance. 


Overview: Oregon legislation (H.B. 4060) provides monetary incentives for persons in high pollution areas to scrap their older vehicles in exchange for a zero emissions rebate. The bill was introduced by a joint committee on transportation.